Just when you thought real-time strategy war-games were starting to get bloody boring, out comes WarGrounds... (and you can multi-task in rt!)
Requires: - OCS/ECS/AGA
- V39
- Mouse and Keyboard
Likes: - Fast-ram
- Heaps of Mhz
Dislikes: - Gfx cards?
- The disintergrating amiga users base
Repaired: - fixed dull energybar when using WargameCPU68020.lib
- stopped black box from appearing behind weapons ammo name when using WarGameBLT68000.lib e.g. clips
- reading the vblank timer directly from hardware was returning zero on some reported amigas and causing the game to either wait forever or just crash. it is now timed via a vblank interupt
(so if you couldn't get it to work before then it's more than likely to work now ;-)